Author’s Bio: TJ Butler writes fiction and essays that are not all fun and games, teaches workshops, and coaches writers. Her work has appeared in media outlets such as Huffington Post, Insider, and various literary journals. She owns a business that supports the arts, and she was one of those kids who wanted to be a writer when they grew up. BUST Magazine calls her recent short story collection, Dating Silky Maxwell “gritty, realistic, often unnerving, and far from glamorous.” Connect with her at
Lawrence: What inspired you to write your book?
TJ Butler: I’d written a few short stories, then I attended a summer writing conference. The instructor suggested I write more and put them into a collection. It felt like a revolutionary idea.
DL: How do
you overcome the challenges of writer’s block?
TJB: I take long walks with my dog and give the words some time to flow. I don’t believe you can force them. If a story isn’t coming to you, work on something else.
DL: What
is your writing process?
TJB: I write short stories so I need to create unique characters and new storylines pretty often. I get the seed of an idea and let it live rent free in my head for a while. I become obsessed. Before I begin writing I need to know what the conflict and tension are and how it is resolved. Even when I have those things, I don’t start writing until I how the story begins.
DL: Is
there a specific author or book that influenced you in any way either growing
up or as an adult?
TJB: I read voraciously when I was younger. While I don’t have a specific book or author, reading about a variety of fiction and nonfiction topics before I was old enough to figure them out impacted my desire to be a writer.
DL: What
was the most valuable piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?
TJB: Every story needs conflict of some kind.
DL: What
are three books you’ll never part with?
TJB: Clockwork Orange, Alice in Wonderland, I Who Have Never Known A Man.
DL: What
are three fun facts about yourself?
TJB: I’ve worked as a magician’s assistant, I love the beach in the winter and hate it in the summer, and my husband and I got married alone in Ireland on a rocky, windswept bay by a Celtic monk.
DL: Would
you like to share an excerpt from Dating Silky Maxwell?
TJB: Sure, here you go:
From “The Wings That Follow Fear” Two nights before Ryder's coming home day, I walked down the hill to the barn to say goodnight to the animals. My hair was hanging loose over my thin cotton nightgown, the long plain one I wear in the summer when he's gone. The air was soft and still. The field beyond the barn twinkled with lightning bugs like a scene in a movie. I walked past the barn to the edge of the field and picked out one glowing flash, still and low to the ground. I counted the morse code of brilliance that flared in a pulsing yes to entice a mate. I thought of Ryder as I turned toward the barn, wishing for his hand in mine on the edge of this field and longing to watch the flickering display with him. I plucked his old plaid shirt from the nail by the barn door. I'd worn it so many times since he'd been gone that it smelled all of me and none of him. I could not get closer to him than the flannel sleeves around my arms but I did not mind. His coming home day was so close. As I slipped my arms into the soft worn sleeves, I heard the faraway crunch of tires on our gravel drive. I stepped out of the barn, heart pounding deep inside my chest. Ryder was not due home for a couple of days.
DL: What
new projects are you currently working on?
TJB: I’m working on two short story collections. One will have flash and short short stories, and the second will have longer stories.
DL: Where
can readers learn more about you and purchase your book(s)?
TJB: Readers can
get more information here:
- Website: TJ Butler Author
- Amazon Author Page:
- Instagram: @TJButlerAuthor
- Book Buy Links:
DL: Thanks so much for being here with us today. I know my readers will enjoy getting to know you and your work.
TJB: I appreciate the opportunity to share my book with your readers!
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