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It’s A Book Thing Presents: An Interview with C.L. Merklinger, author of Interloper

Author’s Bio: C.L. Merklinger, the author of Interloper - The first novel in the Realms and Realities Series - grew up with an insatiable appetite for reading and all things scary.  Inspired by Horror Authors such as Ray Bradbury; Stephen King; Dean Koontz; and Edgar Allan Poe, she was also deeply influenced by great Mystery Character Authors such as Lawrence Sanders, Agatha Christie and Mary Higgins Clark.  

Following her passions for Horror and the Paranormal she pulls from her experiences as an Empath which inspired her to write this series.  C.L. resides in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland where she dabbles in many hobbies.  

Deliah Lawrence: What inspired you to write your book? 

C.L. Merklinger: I’ve always wanted to write, but never took the time to do so.  This book is a result of a perfect storm.  I had a dream one night that I woke up from and felt the need to take notes on.  The next day, a podcast I listened to, Morbid, had an episode regarding the very thing I dreamt about.  I thought, wouldn’t this make a great book!  So, I drafted it and once I started writing the book changed a bit.  The original premise will be in a future book, as I wanted to keep my character growth viable. 

DL: What is your writing process?

CLM: I write a bit differently than most of my colleagues that I have met so far.  First, I hand write my books.  It allows the words to flow easier from brain to pen.  I do not structure my book as a whole.  I do all research for the book up front as best I can then I write in “scenes.”  To keep myself on track I will then keep mini outlines to guide me through the next chapter or two.  I utilize notes on my phone a lot!  I never know when an idea or a scene will come to me so having that ability is a life saver. 

DL: What elements do you think make a compelling story?

CLM: In my opinion, you need to have great characters.  Relatable characters whether that be someone you root for because you empathize with them or root against because they are so opposite to you and your core being.  I also believe imagery is key.  Allowing a reader to experience a new world through your eyes, but holding enough tension back so they can then make it their own. 

DL: What obstacles did you encounter while writing this book?

CLM: This book, being my first, writing it was the easy part.  The obstacles came when it was time to find an editor and decide how I wanted to publish.  

DL: If you could choose a superpower, what would it be and why? 

CLM: Flying!  I have always been fascinated with the idea of flying ever since Peter Pan.  To have the ability to have the wind in your hair and freedom to go wherever you want.  That is a wonderful thought. 

DL: What tips would you give to aspiring writers? 

CLM: Don’t wait.  If you have ideas and aren’t sure how to get them out in the world, go be around other creatives.  Ask questions, but don’t get bogged down with too much advice.  And never compromise your ideas for anyone. 

DL: What are three fun facts about yourself?

CLM: I tried out and became a roller derby girl in my mid 40’s.  I can play seven instruments.  I was once a hula hoop champion. 

DL: Would you like to share an excerpt from GEIST (sequel to Interloper)

CLM:  AS THE TRIO STARED AT the headstone, a breeze seemingly came from nowhere sending chills up and down Charlie’s spine.  Shivering, she leaned in closer to Jared to share some of his body heat.  Almost in unison, Charlie felt what she thought was Jared’s hand on her shoulder, and a voice Charlie, dear, it's Marcus.  Open your mind.  Relax and see if you can feel what is happening here. Not wanting to alarm Jared, or frankly to have to explain herself to Benji, Charlie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  Listening to Marcus guide her, she saw her world disappear and in its place a mist and then the faces of two women talking nervously came into focus.  One was more flustered than the other, who seemed to be older in years.  Focus Charlie.  Let’s see if you can hear them, Marcus continued.  In an attempt to dial in on the voices, Charlie instead picked up on the surroundings.  crickets chirping, frogs trilling and a ...a...moan?  No, not a moan, a wail.  She waited.  There it was again.  Still outside of her immediate earshot and then– gone.  Marcus, the women - everything.  In its place was Jared and Benji horseplaying over in the main graveyard area.  Shaking her head clear, Charlie looked down one final time at the aging stone and sighed.  “Here, Elias, let me at least straighten you up” she said, tipping the stone to a somewhat upright position. 

About Interloper: A novel that begs you to question who would you kill to live again? A young soul taken too soon is tempted by a malevolent being to give into her desires to live a full life. Manipulating her to use the powers she has honed over centuries in the quest for purity and wellbeing of humankind against all things - an innocent. She will soon discover the power of a daughter’s love and unfaltering determination to get to the bottom of who or what ended her Mother’s life.

DL: What new projects are you currently working on?

CLM: I am currently and simultaneously writing two books: Geist - the sequel to Interloper (Due out Early Fall this year) and Baker’s Dozen - A psychological thriller about a female serial killer (Due out Late Fall/Early Winter). 

DL: Where can readers learn more about you and purchase your book(s)?

CLM: Readers can get more information here: 

DL: Thanks so much for being here with us today. I know my readers will enjoy getting to know you and your work.

CLM: Thank you! 


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