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Interview with Daryn Carl Ramsey, author of BOLD & CRAZY FAITH: The Inspirational

Author’s Bio: Daryn Carl Ramsey is CEO of Diamond & Light Publishing, LLC. He is the author of BOLD & CRAZY FAITH: The Inspirational, a book that inspires Christians to increase their faith and overcome obstacles during their Christian journey. Daryn is the founder of Ramsey’s Corner, his blog that focuses on all things inspirational. On Ramsey’s Corner, he inspires people through faith and planning.

Ramsey is a member of the Black Writers’ Guild of Maryland and writer with Speakers Magazine. He has been featured on IBelieve Radio, Baltimore’s Hottest Gospel Station to speak about becoming an author, entrepreneur and mentorship. Daryn Carl Ramsey is an ordained deacon at the New Psalmist Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland.

DL: What inspired you to write your book? 
DCR: God. Over a very long period God would periodically but consistently speak the word, “Faith” to me. After having countless amounts of conversations with Him and pleading that I didn’t understand why He would whisper and sometimes more emphatically speak the word of faith to me I finally said to God, “God you know I have faith, I talk to people about faith, I teach people about faith, you know that I have faith, in fact I have CRAZY FAITH. Right after I said, CRAZY FAITH, the word BOLD just came down, just drizzled down as if it were coming from heaven. I said whoa, “BOLD,” “what is BOLD God?” “BOLD CRAZY FAITH, what is that?” There was silence. 

So, after thinking and trying to figure out what God was telling me about BOLD CRAZY FAITH, out of frustration I said to God, what is this BOLD CRAZY FAITH? What is it that you want me to do with this “Faith” thing? His reply, “Talk to the people about “Faith,” Teach the people about “Faith.” My answer was God you must really want me to reach a lot of people with this word of “Faith,” and then out of nowhere I heard, “How to reach the masses?” So, I say, how to reach the masses. How do I reach the masses? God do you want me to write a book? After asking God this I had a confirmation of peace. The kind of peace that is almost unexplainably but understood by those that have experienced this amid making a decision or hearing from God. After the peace, my question to God became a statement and confirmation to God. “God you want me to write a book!”       

DL: Describe your writing process? Do you use an outline or let it flow organically?
DCR: I usually brainstorm ideas by either emailing them to myself, creating a word document, Excel spreadsheet or by jotting them down on paper or post its. I’m trying to get better with journaling although I’m not sure I will ever fully implement that into my writing process. Journaling can be convenient at times, but for me it can be somewhat restrictive because I know I will not carry a journal with me everywhere.

Yes, I do use an outline. Once I have my ideas scattered or somewhat organized on one of the writing tools listed above, I begin to formalize my writing. I formalize my writing by placing it into a detailed outline, breaking out the flow of where I am trying to go with my writing.

DL: What do you think makes a good story?
DCR: Transparency, details and creativity. Everyone likes the truth, authenticity and realness. Details are always important to provide a picture that goes beyond a general description and provides more clarity to the reader. I love creativity. I like to question myself by asking, “How can you tell this story in a different way.” Uniqueness ranks up there as far as making a good story. However, you don’t need to be unique to be creative and tell a great story.

DL: Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult?
DCR: There are various books that have influenced me. Of course, for me, number one is the Holy Bible inspired by God with a plethora of co-authors. God is the original author. He is the author and finisher of our faith. But also, there is one book that comes to mind that influenced me tremendously, No More Excuses, by Tony Evans. This book inspired men to get up and off the sidelines and into the game of this thing that we call life. It inspired men to be the man that God made them to be. It also inspired men to lead, participate and make a difference. I read the book as part of a small men’s group at church. It was just the book that I needed at that time in my life. That book lit a fire in me, was a positive influence and catalyst that led to me being where I am today in life.  

DL: If you were hosting a dinner party which three authors would be your dream guests?
DCR: God, my pastor Bishop Walter Scott Thomas Sr. and Charles Stanley.

DL: What are the keys to success in marketing your book(s)?
DCR: Social Media | Social Networking for sure. Social media gives people the opportunity to get to know who you are and what you do. Especially for those that choose to self-publish. The advance in social media technologies such as live, stories, events, hashtags, emojis etc. has given me more of an opportunity to express my personality and give people more of an inside look at who I am. Although they may not get to know the personal details about my life it gives me a better opportunity to market myself as I am my brand.

Additionally, these advances have improved social media and has made it more so a social networking experience which is a deeper dive into marketing and connecting. You see you can use social media to view and as entertainment or you can use it as a social networking tool to connect, form relationships, get leads and sales.

DL: What tips would you give to aspiring writers?
DCR: Do your own research and find a mentor! This is very important. First do your own research so you have a better idea of what you want to do and how the writing profession is run. Talk to other writers, authors, and publishers about the creative and business aspects of writing and becoming an author. After you have done that, search for and choose a mentor that is successful and you either have a good repoire with or strongly believe you would have a great mentor | mentee working relationship.

Chemistry is key because you will spend lots of time communicating during the process of becoming a writer. I was fortunate to have two good mentors that have been highly successful and established as writers and publishers for a very long time. I would like to note - a mentor’s time is precious. Most mentors want to work with people that have already done the research and are serious about wanting to become a writer. Also, writing associations are great resources of support such as the Black Writers’ Guild of Maryland of which I am a member.       

DL: How about sharing an excerpt from BOLD & CRAZY FAITH: The Inspirational
DCR: Here you go:

Every Sunday while I was in Germany, I tuned in to our live streaming worship service at The New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD.  On the first Sunday that I was in Amberg, Germany watching and listening to my pastor Bishop Walter Scott Thomas Sr., he preached a sermon that was so relevant and dead-on to what I was feeling and experiencing at that time. Bishop Thomas preached about how so many people in our congregation had been blessed above and beyond what most of us ever thought was possible. He said, “some of you have been so blessed that you now have high-powered jobs that fly you across the country and all around the world.” He went deeper and said, “Imagine the level of trust that your employer needs to have in you for that kind of responsibility.” I lost it, right there in my hotel room in Amberg!! I began jumping up and down and praising God at the top of my voice, “THANK YOU, LORD”!! I remembered thinking for a second that the other guests might hear me, but I didn’t care because I was that blessed, and I knew it.

DL: What’s on the horizon for you?
DCR: My plan is to write another book, speak about faith and planning, provide services and consult on the various aspects of publishing and expand my blog by bringing on contributing writers and guest experts to provide tips and advice to inspire people. As part of my business agenda and strategy I am seeking to co-author and collaborate on the right inspirational book or project. Also, I have a few projects that I have been working on that I would like to come back and discuss later if you would be kind enough to have me Dee!

DL: Where can readers learn more about you and your book(s)?
DCR: They can find more information about me and my book here:
·        Website:
·        Facebook: @daryncarlramsey and @daryncarlramsey1
·        Twitter: @daryncarlramsey
·        Blog:

It’s been a pleasure having you here with us today. I know my readers will enjoy getting to know you and your work.


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