So you want
to enhance your writing skills, but don’t know where to start? Well, here are
some pointers that will help get you started:
1. Read
something that is well written. To be a better writer, you have
to read what others have written, preferably, high quality content. Why?
Because this helps to improve your
writing style tremendously. Some places you can look to
include Harvard Business Review, New York Times, The Washington Post,
2. Read something
funny. Most of my writing is relatively serious. However, I find that
when I read something humorous it shakes up my brain and loosens up my
creativity. So, every now and then I check out Buzzfeed and others.
3. Read
something outside your niche. As a romantic suspense writer, I expand
my reading to include books on a wide variety of subjects including
non-fiction books. I find that the style and the author’s approach helps me
within my own writing niche.
4. Read
something you wrote in the past. You’d be surprised how much you can learn
from reading something you’ve written in the past. Every now and then I
re-read some of my past blog posts and compare them to my current blog posts.
After assessing what was good, not so good and what worked, I’m amazed how much
better I’ve become as a writer.
5. Speed
writing. Don’t worry about punctuation, grammar, typos, etc. – just
write and see some of the good stuff you can come up with. You can always edit
6. Google
any grammar questions. If you don’t have a good book about grammar at your
fingertips, then do a Google search to make sure you’re not breaking any
grammar laws.
Note: Remember writing is a journey…so keep empowering your

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