There’s just something about reading an EJD novel that engages every one of your senses and leaves you wanting more. Having been a long time reader (aka Dickey Nuts fan), I was not disappointed. Although this book had very few characters, the action, interaction and drama was just as filling.
One Night puts two unlikely characters in an unlikely situation and the outcome was very explosive. While I thought some of the scenes went on for what seemed like forever, there was no doubt the chemistry between the two main characters sizzled. Some readers may not like that certain things were not revealed like the name of the “man from Orange County,” but I didn’t have a problem with that. I enjoyed that he was a very complex, sophisticated and educated kind of man. One who went off kilter when pushed to the limit. For the female character (“Jacqueline”) I loved her sassiness and her resourcefulness. She was a woman of many skills and talents and she used them all to simply survive.
I also thoroughly enjoyed that through these characters, EJD explored a lot of issues that married and single folks face on the daily: infidelity, struggling to survive, getting over betrayal, mourning the loss of loved ones,etc. There were times when I had to reach for my dictionary (well toggled over to but what would an EJD novel be without stretching our vocabulary. To me this is sexy as hell - reading for entertainment while stimulating the mind! Loved it!
The ending was left to one’s imagination and trust me when I say I could take this story in so many different directions. Nothing in life is ever wrapped up tightly so for those readers who had a problem with the ending, well I’d say to each his own. The dialogue was great, the sex scenes made me turn on my A/C and so for sure, I can definitely see a sequel in the near future. Thump. Thump. Thump.
Until the next Dickey adventure...I shall remain a "Dickey Nuts" fan!
Rating: 4 stars
Some of my favorite lines:
“You’re a pretty woman.”
“I’m almost as pretty as that silver wedding ring on your left hand.”
“You’re wearing a pretty nice ring as well.”
“On my right hand.”
“Why is it on your right hand?”
“Because it won’t fit on the middle finger of my left hand.”
“But that is a wedding righty, right?”
“Your ring is on your left hand. That means you bought the cow.”
“Your ring is on your left hand. That means you bought the cow.”
“Yours on the right hand means?”
“It means I’m no one’s cow. So, where’s your cow? Where’s the woman you make go moo?”

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