This is the fifth installment in the Gideon series by Eric Jerome Dickey and I’m still in awe of the assassin with a heart. In this novel, EJD picks up the story right after the battle between the Scamz Organization and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Buenos Aires. This was also where Gideon went head-to-head in battle with Medianoche, a man whom his lying mother told him was his father. With betrayal and distrust at the heels of all the parties involved, Gideon must recover while on the run with his crew and while Medianoche is gathering up more Horsemen. Readers were introduced to some cold bloodied killers like the Preacher and the Shark. The scenes were action packed and I love the location descriptions and the history provided. The rollercoaster ride from start to finish takes readers all over the globe with Gideon eventually besting his enemies and circling back with lovers (Mrs. Jones, Lola Mack, etc.) from EJD’s earlier novels (Sleeping with Strangers and Waking with ...
Hello and welcome, everyone! My name is Deliah Lawrence and I'm an award-winning author, blogger, and workshop facilitator. This blog is a place where I write about my musings, my writing journey, my love of books, movies, and all things creative. So stick around, I’m sure there’ll be something you could get into!