This is the third installment in the Soulmates Dissipate series by Mary B. Morrison. In this novel, readers meet Fancy Taylor, a twenty-two-year-old who wants to marry a rich, handsome man with status. The problem is that while she’s on the hunt she will use anyone to get what she wants even her best friend Desmond who can’t seem to shake her damsel in distress cries. Fancy is a diva and a selfish one who wants everyone to constantly cater to her. Her friends SaVoy and Tanya are sometimes no more than a backdrop to her. SaVoy loves the Lord and bad boy Tyronne who sleeps around town. Tanya is involved with William who keeps her on a very tight leash bordering on mental abuse. Desmond, her best friend is a mechanic with a dream of going to law school but gets no support from her. It took him several tries to save her from herself and from her other lovers before he realizes he needs to be with Carlita, a more mature woman with four kids. There’s a lot of drama and moments wh...
Hello and welcome, everyone! My name is Deliah Lawrence and I'm an award-winning author, blogger, and workshop facilitator. This blog is a place where I write about my musings, my writing journey, my love of books, movies, and all things creative. So stick around, I’m sure there’ll be something you could get into!