This novel involved a very dark and interesting storyline set against a backdrop of a small town in Serenity, Michigan. Shelby Alexander, the protagonist is a divorced, aging (nearing sixty) former professional and retired fixer who teeters sometimes on the wrong side of the law. He’s got a young girlfriend almost half his age (same age of his daughter) and he’s happy. This lasted for a while until he gets embroiled in solving the murder of Jenny, a developmentally disabled woman who he found near the barn on his property. Jenny also happens to be a member of the often-hated Ellises clan who runs drugs within the town. Things get more complicated when Harper Ellis, one of Jenny’s brothers pays Shelby ten thousand dollars to look into Jenny’s death because there is “new law” in town that would prevent the Ellises from taking matters into their own hands. The Ellises also have to be careful because there is new competition peddling higher quality drugs and messing with their distribu
Hello and welcome, everyone! My name is Deliah Lawrence and I'm an award-winning author, blogger, and workshop facilitator. This blog is a place where I write about my musings, my writing journey, my love of books, movies, and all things creative. So stick around, I’m sure there’ll be something you could get into!