On Sunday, January 18, 2019 I saw the musical play Fun Home based on the graphic novel by Alison Bechdel and directed by Hana S. Sharif. It chronicled Bechdel’s family life as a child and then as a college student with parts narrated by Andrea Prestinario as the adult/cartoonist Alison. The story and Alison’s emotional journey unfold between the Bechdel house and family owned funeral home in Beech Creek, Pennsylvania, Oberlin College in Ohio and her contemporary studio space. Alison takes the audience across time when she was a child in awe of her father, to when she had her first lesbian experience in college to recent times at her studio. The audience got to see her father, Bruce Bechdel (played by Jeffry Denman) as the perfectionist that he was and how he struggled with his sexuality. It also showed her mother, Helen Bechdel, (played by Michelle Dawson) and how she struggled and coped by drinking. And in the midst of it all, how Alison as a college student (played by ...
Hello and welcome, everyone! My name is Deliah Lawrence and I'm an award-winning author, blogger, and workshop facilitator. This blog is a place where I write about my musings, my writing journey, my love of books, movies, and all things creative. So stick around, I’m sure there’ll be something you could get into!